Watch: The Ariel Mission of the European Space Agency with Giovanna Tinetti | On Things to Come

Watch:  The ESA's Ariel Mission with Giovanna Tinetti (UCL) | On Things to Come

BEIJING — On 27 January 2021, Giovanna Tinetti (University College London) gave an online seminar on the Ariel mission of the European Space Agency. Prof. Tinetti's lecture represented the ninth webinar of the ISSI-BJ "On Things to Come" series that addresses ongoing as well as future space missions by inviting renowned scientists from different countries, institutes, and space agencies.
Watch it on Bilibili here
Watch it on YouTube here 
View Prof. Tinetti's presentation here

"On Things to Come" Online Seminars
  • 23 September 2020: Prof. Geraint Jones – The Comet Interceptor Mission [YouTube/Youku]
  • 21 October 2020: Prof. Ralph Lorenz – The Dragonfly Mission [YouTube/Youku]
  • 4 November 2020: Prof. Wang Chi – The SMILE Mission [YouTube/Youku]
  • 25 November 2020: Prof. Heike Rauer – The PLATO Mission [YouTube/Youku]
  • 9 December 2020: Prof. Takehiko Satoh – The Akatsuki Mission [YouTube/Bilibili]
  • 18 December 2020: Dr. Olivier Witasse – The JUICE Mission [YouTube/Bilibili]
  • 21 December 2020: Dr. Tomohiro Usui – The MMX Mission [YouTube/Bilibili]
  • 13 January 2021: Prof. Weiqun Gan – The ASO-S Mission [YouTube/Bilibili] 
  • 27 January 2021: Prof. Giovanna Tinetti – The Ariel Mission [YouTube/Bilibili] 
  • 24 February 2021: Prof. Johannes Benkhoff – The BepiColombo Mission I Register
  • 10 March 2021: Dr. Gabriele Cremonese – The BepiColombo Mission II
  • 24 March 2021: Prof. Go Murakami – The BepiColombo Mission III
  • 7 April 2021: Prof. Yoshifumi Saito – The BepiColombo Mission IV
  • 21 April 2021: Prof. Stefano Vitale – The LISA Mission
  • 19 May 2021: Prof. Saem Krucker – The Solar Orbiter Mission


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