"Infinite Horizons" Online Seminar Series

"Infinite Horizons" Online Seminar Series (On Things to Come)

In order to connect with the scientific community and create a much needed international bridge between institutes, space agencies, and experts from different countries and continents, ISSI-BJ organises a monthly online seminars series, "Infinite Horizons". The seminar series started in 2020 as "On Things to Come", and it was later rebranded as "Infinite Horizons" in late 2023. 

The seminars aim to introduce to the scientific community current as well as future space missions organized by different space agencies, allowing the audience to interact with the speaker and ask questions. 

Past seminars in this series have addressed missions such as ESA's Comet Interceptor, NASA's Dragonfly, and the joint SMILE mission of ESA and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), presented by prominent scientists, like Prof. Geraint Jones (University College London’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK), Prof. Ralph Lorenz (Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab., USA), Prof. Chi Wang (CAS, China), Prof. Heike Rauer (DLR Institute of Planetary Research, Germany), and many others.

Participation is free. Please sign up to the ISSI-BJ Newsletter to receive our updates and invitations to join our seminars. 


15 Jan. 2025
4pm. (GTM+8)
Guy Brasseur -

4pm. (GTM+8)
20 Nov. 2024
4pm. (GTM+8)
Alessandro Bemporad -
09 Oct. 2024
4pm. (GTM+8) 
John Bosco Habarulema -
18 Sep. 2024
4pm. (GTM+8)
Yoshifumi Saito -
21 Aug. 2024
Dipankar Banerjee - 
10 Jul. 2024
4pm. (GTM+8)
Takehiko Satoh - The Akatsuki mission: Challenging an outstanding question "Why Venus and Earth are so different?" Watch
12 Jun. 2024
4pm. (GTM+8)
Fabio Favata - Space astronomy, past and future: a personal (Western) perspective Watch
22 May 2024
4pm. (GTM+8)
Jeong Minsup - Introduction to GrainCams for Lunar Surface Exploration Mission Watch
17 Apr Apr. 2024
4pm. (GTM+8)
Kyung-Suk Cho - Opening New Horizons with the L4 Mission: Vision and Plan Watch
20 Mar. 2024
4pm. (GTM+8)
Martin Barstow - Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy with the SIRIUS mission Watch



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