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Seven New International Teams Selected in 2017

The Science Committee has selected seven excellent international teams in response to the 2017 Annual Call for Teams. The following teams are to carry out a research project in the premises of ISSI-BJ within the next two years:

 Research Field

Team Leader

 Proposal Title


Chaffin M. (US)

Hydrogen Escape across the Solar System and Beyond(ISSI-BJ & ISSI Team)


Heger A. (AU) & Lugaro M. (HU)

Radioactive Nuclei in the Cosmos and in the Solar System


Jofre P. (CL) & Worley C. (UK)

Stellar libraries of 2020

Plasma & Magnetosphere

 Olshevsky V. (BE) & Valentini F. (IT)

Magnetic topology effects on energy dissipation in turbulent plasma(ISSI-BJ & ISSI Team)

Solar Physics

Zimovets I. (RU/CN) & Ning Z. (CN)

Pulsations in solar flares: matching observations and models


Garcia R. (FR) & Zhu P. (CN)

An international reference for seismological data sets and internal structure models of the Moon(ISSI-BJ & ISSI Team)


Zhang H. (US) & Zong Q. (CN)

Dayside Transient Phenomena and Their Impact on the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere

The proposals were submitted following the Annual Call jointly issued by ISSI-BJ and the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in January 2017. The Science Committee of ISSI-BJ and ISSI evaluated, prioritized and recommended the most outstanding proposals to ISSI-BJ. The teams will cover different disciplines of Space Science.

The Teams are composed of about 8-15 scientists of different laboratories, nationalities and expertise. These small groups of scientists involved in Space Research can work together in an efficient and flexible format of several subsequent meetings, during which data are analyzed and compared with theories and models. Usually, they hold a series of two to three one-week meetings over a period of 12 to 18 months.

The aim of Teams is to carry out a research project leading to publications in scientific journals. The activity is directed and organized by a team leader who is also the initiator of the proposal to ISSI-BJ. Although in close contact with the scientific staff of the Institute, teams are largely autonomous in the execution of their project.

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