On May 26, 2016, the third International Space Science Institute-Beijing (ISSI-BJ) Board of Trustees (BoT) Meeting was held at ISSI-BJ. Four board members of ISSI-BJ, Professor WU Ji and WANG Chi from National Space Science Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSSC, CAS), Professor Raphael Rodrigo from International Space Science Institute in Bern (over Skype), and Professor Roger Bonnet as an individual member from international space science community, attended the meeting. Prof. WU Ji, Director-General of NSSC, CAS, chaired the meeting.
Prof. Maurizio Falanga, Executive Director of ISSI-BJ, presented the Status Report of ISSI-BJ and 2nd ISSI-BJ Annual Report; Prof. Dong Xiaolong, Administrative Director of ISSI-BJ, presented the Financial Report of ISSI-BJ. Prof. Tilman Spohn, Chairman of ISSI Science Committee, presented report from the last SC meeting. The board approved these above reports.
Moreover, the board members reviewed the output from Selection Committee of interview and made decision during exclusive session. At last, the board discussed the issue of sponsorship solicitation from potential agencies, and agreed to extend the sponsorship to make ISSI-BJ more visible in the international space community.
All ISSI-BJ BoT members expressed their satisfaction for the progresses and achievements of ISSI-BJ and intention of supporting ISSI-BJ for ongoing work of ISSI-BJ.
After the meeting, the third annual dinner of ISSI-BJ was held. Around 50 representatives and guests from government departments, research institutes, universities, industry and Swiss embassy attended the activity.