Understanding Science Seminar: Living with the Furious Star
ISSI-BJ organized Understanding Science seminar very successfully at House Caf on December 1 2015, a coffeehouse in Tsinghua university district Wudaokou. The lecture on “Living with the Furious Star” was held by Prof. Ying Liu, space physicist of the National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. More than 20 young students joined his talk.

During his talk, Prof. Liu explained what the Solar storms (CMEs) are, what the exploration of CMEs contribute to the genesis of a new field, which now we call "space weather" and summarized his views of CMEs and how they affect our life based on his studies in this field.
"Understanding Science - Beijing" is organized by the UK Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), the Institute of Physics (IoP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the International Space Science Institute-Beijing. Its goal is to make a broader public aware of today’s accomplishments in research through short scientific lectures in English (popularization talks) as well as to have an opportunity to talk with either international or Chinese scientists currently carrying out research in China, in an informal, international and multidisciplinary environment.
About the speaker: Prof. Ying Liu is a space physicist at the National Space Science Center (NSSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, located in Beijing. He obtained his Ph.D. from MIT in Cambridge and spent some years at UC Berkeley before joining NSSC.