Fruitful Meeting with the Tohoku Forum for Creativity at ISSI-BJ
On 5 Mar. 2015, Dr. Liam Baird, Program Coordinator at the Tohoku Forum for Creativity (TFC), Dr. Kaori Watanabe, Dr. Kouichi Nagayama, Dr. Keiichi Sato and Dr. Yukako Endo, staff members at TFC visited the International Space Science Institute-Beijing (ISSI-BJ).
Prof. Maurizio Falanga, Executive Director of ISSI-BJ, extended his warm welcome to the delegation remotely and Prof. Dong Xiaolong, Administrative Director of ISSI-BJ, introduced ISSI-BJ’s historical background, structure, past and future scientific activities, financial status as well as cooperation with other organizations and institutions. Dr. Liam Baird introduced TFC mission, structure, past and future scientific activities, financial status for the past two years. During the meeting, both parties discussed about potential joint activities opportunities for the future.

The Tohoku Forum for Creativity (TFC) was established by Tohoku University in 2013, which is the first international visitor research institute in Japan. TFC will hold several three-month scientific programs, called Thematic Programs, to bring together junior and senior scholars from various scientific disciplines related to the program themes. The aim of these programs is to identify important problems across all of the sciences and humanities, and to develop innovative ideas and deeper theoretical foundations through intensive, focused discussions. Junior researchers such as graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are especially encouraged to participate in these programs.