ISAS/JAXA Representatives Visited ISSI-BJ
On 14 Jan. 2015, Prof. Saku Tsuneta, Vice President of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Director of Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), and Prof. Masaki Fujimoto, Director for Dept. Solar System Science and Director for International Strategy and Coordination of ISAS visited International Space Science Institute-Beijing (ISSI-BJ).
Prof. Maurizio Falanga, Executive Director of ISSI-BJ, extended his warm welcome to the delegation and introduced ISSI-BJ historical background, structure, past and future scientific activities, cooperation with other organizations and institutions. Prof. Dong Xiaolong, Administrative Director of ISSI-BJ, introduced ISSI-BJ financial status. It was a very meaningful and fruitful meeting. Both parties discussed about potential cooperation opportunities for the future.
ISAS became one of four principal sections within the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) which was established in 2003. Its mission is to advance space science in Japan.